Monday, December 10, 2007

December 10 - Monday

Ok. So I know I haven't been the best at keeping up with this blog. No excuses. But I'm back!

Suffice to say things have been very busy. But I'm not going to try to blog what's been going on for the past few (okay almost 10) weeks. Well not right now anyway. I have some desserts I may revisit...

So what's been happening most recently? Oh! I joined a gym. With classes and a lockerroom AND (the best part!) freshly brewed Gloria Jeans coffee when you leave! Some mornings it's the only thing that gets me through the workouts. Oh who am I kidding - most mornings it's the only thing that gets me through the workouts.

This morning I had a training session at 6 and much to my surprise (and mr. roshbosh's) - I did 10 girl pushups! A small feat for many I'm sure but for those who know me it's almost unbelievable.

But then I came home from work and prompty finished off a container of fortune cookies.
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Thursday, October 11, 2007

October 11 - Thursday

Magnolia has one - a very good one I might add. Buttercup has one. Sprinkles has lots of them.

And now I have mine!

I've got a signature cupcake and frosting recipe! It's not the best looking in the picture but it's nummy! I was in too much of hurry to taste it to bring out the decorating tool kit but mr. roshbosh did say it was the best he's ever had! The cupcake is fluffy and soft inside with just very slight crunchy give on the outside. And the frosting is a chocolate buttercream but the butter isn't overpowering. Just lots of nummy chocolateyness.

We're having a football watching party Sunday afternoon (Cowboys vs. Patriots) and I'm making the most-cute mini bite-size versions with blue and white sprinkles. And I will be covering them in stars with piping tip #5. Of course it's in honor of the Cowboys. A baker's gotta do what a baker's gotta do.


I've always wanted to stuff my face with an entire cupcake.

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Monday, October 1, 2007

October 1 - Monday

it's fall!

that means sweaters and coats and boots!

I always get excited about the cold weather this time of year. But then end up cursing it come January when I want to wear flip flops. I can't help it. I'm a woman driven by sartorial urges.

And I know fall officially began September 23 but Happy Fall anyway!

Sunday, September 30, 2007

September 30 - Sunday

So mr. roshbosh and I fell asleep last night at nine. On accident. We were supposed to have gone out with friends but didn't quite make it out. I thought I would take a nap and the next thing I know we were both waking up to the sun coming in through the windows.

The view outside was just beautiful - the sun was just coming out and the buildings seemed to go from black-and-white to color. I tried to capture what I could in the picture - the buildings in the front look awake while the ones in the back haven't quite had their morning coffee.
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Saturday, September 29, 2007

September 28 - Friday

Sabrina & Lubna

The Merchant cousins had an evening-out last night. Pizza at Pastazio's and miniature golf and batting cages at Adventure Landing. We had so much fun. And I am proud to say that I scored a 41 on an eighteen hole course (toot! toot!) - mr. roshbosh and I tied and for those of you who know mr. roshbosh, he can be very, VERY competitive. Actually, I scored better than all the guys. he he!

Thursday, September 27, 2007

September 21-23

We had another most fun and fabulous weekend. This pic was taken Friday night at Oktober Fest. mr. roshbosh (the one on the left serving as sitting stool) doesn't remember taking this picture. He was quite soaked. As was Cusack who is most entertaining when he's had some happy juice.

By the end of the evening about half of our party had gotten temporary tattoos. Including me. I got a pair of dice. And you know - I kind of liked it. Not the dice per se, but the thought of having a tat.

The rest of the weekend was spent with more friend time - we actually spent Friday AND Saturday AND Sunday evening with Kiwi612 and her Hubs and Guns. Had to get our time in with Kiwi612 and her hubs before October when they'll be gone every weekend. :-(

You know it's amazing how many errands I run. Even this past weekend - I had errands on Saturday AND Sunday. And I don't know if it just seems like a lot because I don't run any during the week. Huh.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

September 14-16

We had the most fantastic of a whirlwind weekend. Friday night was dinner with uber-friends at P.F. Changs (you have not lived if you haven't had their garlic noodles) - so so good. AmeeShah and her hubs just returned from their Greecian honeymoon and we hadn't seen them or Summy and Guns in a quite a while. It was really nice to just sit and drink wine and catch up. The rest of the weekend was spent running errands and another dinner and a jaunt to a bar down the street. And for a nice treat my parents and aunt and uncle came in for the night Saturday. I took them to Petite Four Bakery and Eatzi's. Seriously I must have spent about $50 on just bread and cupcakes.

AmeeShah bought me two new Jeebitzs for my crocs! The open book and the lady bug! Crocs truly are the most hideous of shoes but let me tell you - it's like walking on clouds. And in light of all the headlines concerning the safety of Crocs, just be careful on escalators and always stand in the middle of the step.

Monday, September 10, 2007

September 10 - Monday

We're back from Las Vegas! Take a look at the album and captions. Didn't take too many pictures but we had such a great time and can't wait to go back. Need to work on my craps strategy first though...

Friday, August 31, 2007

August 24 - Friday

So I know I've been m.i.a for awhile. But I'm back!

mr. roshbosh was away on business for 2 weeks and has since returned. Things were a little crazy when he got back. We had family in town and then left for 4 crazy days in Las Vegas! I'll post more on that later.

While mr. roshbosh was away though I did work on my very first "all by myself" recipe. I came up with a recipe for tres leches cake that I think is so nummy! That's the picture above. It needs a just a bit more tweaking but over all I was very pleased with the results.
I also enjoyed some very girly movies while mr. roshbosh was away. Yay for netflicks! Love that you can keeps movies for as long as you want! I've had "March of the Penguins" for a couple of weeks now and I'm shocked that no one seems to want to watch it with me. How can anyone not want to watch cute little penguins? Well, football season has started and I have officially become an NFL widow. I guess I'll be watching it all by myself. :-(

Friday, August 10, 2007

August 10 - Friday

So mr. roshbosh is going to be away for the next two weeks and while I miss him terribly when he's away, I always look forward to being by myself for a bit. I get to watch girly movies, leave my shoes everywhere, play my music really loud, and eat meals that aren't "manly" enough like bread and with some manchego (AmeeShah introduced me to the cheese and it is so so nummy!) and brie and wine. And this time around I may even soak in the tub with a book until my toes get all pruney and wrinkly. I'm not much of a bath person but I've got some bubble bath I want to try. Anyway, the movies on the agenda are...

Snow Cake - with the nummy Alan Rickman
Sense & Sensibility - again with the nummy Alan Rickman

Any other suggestions?

Thursday, August 9, 2007

August 9 - Thursday

This dish is one of my favorites. I only make it once a year though. Well, I may make it twice this year since I didn't get to make it last year. The original recipe is for a risotto dish but I don't like the texture of risotto and it's just too mushy and too starchy to have at one go - it's the same reason I can't have just fried rice for dinner - so I use Orzo pasta instead. Yes I know it's a starch as well but at least my stomach has to expend itself a bit to get it digested. Risotto just zips through and ends up sticking to undesirable places. Anyway, I digress. I was a little worried about what mr. roshbosh and cusack would think of the dish. Neither one really likes fancy food and this dish has an unusual woodsy taste to it from the porcini mushrooms, and you use wine and fresh Parmigiano-Reggiano. The original recipe also doesn't include spinach but I throw it in for some color and nutrients. I think Mo gave me that tip? Anyway, they liked the dish. And it wasn't a pacifying "it was good!" sentiment - they mentioned it a few times and for them both that's a sign that they really enjoyed it. My office mate Tiffanee joined us for dinner as well so it was a nice little evening - while the boys watched the preseason Cowboys game Tiffanee and I gabbed. Oh and we had apple crisp for dessert. Nummy!

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

August 5 - 6, Sunday & Monday

From everything I can or attempt to cook or make or bake - do you know what I have the HARDEST time with? And it's a dear shame because it's one of mr. roshbosh's most favorite things in the world to eat...


I cannot for the life of me and my loved ones cook peas! They always a) still taste frozen and/or b) don't cook all the way. And I always, always follow the directions when I cook peas - I can't say that for many other things. And I have tried everything! It's the funniest and oddest thing.

Tips anyone?

Thursday, August 2, 2007

July 27 - 28 , Friday & Saturday

mr. roshbosh and I made a trip to Target Friday night (well, we actually made 3 trips to find what we needed) to buy games for the game night we were having on Saturday night. We came away with the games in photograph AND a chess set!

Now many attempts have been made to teach me the game - mr. roshbosh himself has tried many, many times - but I've never stuck with it. I think this time may be different. We stayed up playing until about 1 am (I know - we sound like such an old, married couple) and I am proud to say that according to mr. roshbosh, I made some good, strategic moves. It was such a change to have to stop and think in linear terms - I'm so used to just quickly responding to a situation.

Game night was a lot of fun - we had about 12 people over and lots of beer and wine. It was nice to do something different. I forgot how competitive mr. roshbosh can get. It's not enough for him to win - he has to win BIG! I was also reminded how uncomfortable I get with charade type things - no matter what I have to act out I am convinced I look like a washed- dolphin flapping around everywhere - which would be great if that's what my team had to guess. I envy people who can get up and are comfortable enough to just go for it.

hmmm...I should have taken pictures.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

August 1 - Wednesday

I love it - I love it not - I love it - I love it not...

Our one-seater arrived yesterday evening. I don't know how I feel about it. I thought it would be a few shades lighter - it looks more tan than "cream" and in certain light it looks as though we tried to match the sofa and failed miserably. Maybe we'll just keep the lights off and the blinds drawn when we have company over. On the bright side though it is very comfy. I had breakfast in it this morning with my legs swung over the side.

I'm going to refinish the peg-feet in an antique black - not really loving the brown.

Might get a red throw to add some color. I was really kicking myslef for not getting the seat in red but now that I've had a chance to sleep on it, red would have been too much. "Hey! Look at me! I'm a one-seater and I'm RED!"

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

July 31- Tuesday

I've gotten up early to work out two days in a row now - yay for me! ;-)

I did the elliptical yesterday for 30 minutes and hated every single moment of it. I know it's supposed to be good for your knees and joints blah blah blah.

I just couldn't force myself to get on the elliptical again this morning so I got on the treadmill and did the cardio/fat burning walk for 30 minutes. I'm not supposed to run right now because of my knee but I gave in for 2 minutes towards the end and Oh. My. God. it felt so so good. I've been craving that feeling I get from running for so long now I had to cheat a little bit - I couldn't get on the 'mil and not run even a little bit. I made sure to ice though when I got home. I'll ice again when go home this evening.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

July 26 - Thursday

Ladies and Gentlemen. My tiramisu. I know there was a lot of talk and very little action but I made it. I usually can't eat anything I've baked or cooked but this I could not resist. Notes for next time: bake for 5 minutes less and serve cold. I know it turned out well when mr. roshbosh and his brother went for seconds and wanted thirdzies.

Not much going on this weekend. We're having game night at our place on Saturday night. And I'm hoping the weather holds up so we can make it to the pool. I also made Thai food tonight - masuman curry and fresh spring rolls - so nummy but so full of starch and carbs. Cusack and I worked out this morning and I am so proud of myself! Now if I can only get myself downstairs Monday morning. I've promised myself a fountain Coke if I can get to the gym 4 times next week. woohoo!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

July 24 - Monday

*this post has HP spoilers - READ AT YOUR OWN RISK!

I finished the last and final book of the Harry Potter series last night at 2:30 in the morning. I cried twice. Not sniffley, demure crying but all out ugly-face heaving. Couldn't help myself. First when Snape - my most favorite character - dies and you find out what and where his motivation and loyalties have been. Oh so,so heart wrenching. And then when Harry has to do the unthinkable and you realize that underneath the bravery and valor and determination he is still just a boy. I think I'm going to be reading the aforementioned Snape chapter over and over and over. There are a few things I have questions about - I think I may be perusing some message boards for dorky and I am so embarrassed I'm even admitting it but I can't help myself! It's the end! No mas!

mr. roshbosh and I went to Borders on Friday night to pick up the book promptly at midnight. It was the cutest experience! We stood in line for an hour to pay for the book - the pic above was taken from the second floor of the store. The line wrapped all along the second floor railing, down the stairs, and then snaked in-between the shelves on the first floor. There had to of been 500-600 people there.
mr. roshbosh bought a box of "every flavor beans" (in the wizard world that Harry lives in there are jelly beans that can taste like everything and anything and Jelly Belly - the Muggle jelly bean company - has taken grave licence with creating flavors). Like 5 year-olds we took turns trying the different flavored jelly beans. You know - the whole "eeew this is so gross! Taste it!" bit. We tried sausage, sardine, earthworm, soap, vomit - the sardine almost made me lose my cookies in the elevator when we got home. By far the worst thing I have ever ever tasted. blah! The soap wasn't bad and the grass really tasted like a mowed lawn - all fresh and green. I don't know how they do it.

July 20 - Friday

So in an attempt to keep busy until I could get my hands on the final HP book EVER! I decided that Friday afternoon was as good a day as any to try my hand at Parisian macaroons.

Let me tell you...they are a b*tch to make!

First, I had to make almond flour. That took a good 2-episodes of "what I like about you". The combining of the ingredients after that wasn't difficult but the baking was interesting. The delicate cookies had to bake in the oven with the oven door slightly ajar and then rotated every couple of minutes to ensure even baking. By the end of it, the kitchen felt like Hades, looked like science experiment gone bad, and I had 6 coffee-flavored cookies. That's it from a recipe that was to yield 16.

I will definitely make the cookies again. They're too nummy not too. But the filling needs tweaking. Instead of a buttercream, which was too sweet for the delicate cookie, I think I'll try a Swiss meringue instead.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

July 18 - Wednesday

I just have to tell you - I had the most nummy green grapes today. I couldn't get them in my mouth fast enough. They were the perfect firmness with such a perfect sweetness. They reminded me of the grapes we used to eat when I was younger. Nowadays - everyone wants unnaturally big, plump grapes. The thing though is that those grapes have been engineered and have had all the flavor diluted out of them. Big grapes do not equal flavor! Size is not everything!

I was going to take a picture of the grapes but before I realized it they were all in my belly!


Tuesday, July 17, 2007

July 17 - Tuesday

mr. roshbosh and I went the Shakespeare in the park this evening for a showing of Romeo & Juliette. Any excuse to bake so I made chai cupcakes. Not my best - I'd give it an 6 on the scale. Not enough chai flavor. mr. roshbosh told me he liked the "pumpkin" flavor of the cupcake.

My two next baking projects are Parisian macaroons (need to do a bit more research on almond flour) and tiramisu - I've got two tubs of marscopone cheese in the freezer just waiting to fulfil their destiny!

July 12 - Thursday

So the Cusack and I just returned from the "the Fray" concert. I want to say that the show was awesome but that's just not the right word. I've used that word to describe so many other things - other things deservedly awesome in their own way - but it's just not right in this instance. Too trite a word for what it was. Amazing? Wonderful? Maybe I'm feeling a tad too sentimental - it was my first concert in 18 months and I had forgotten how much I enjoyed going to concerts.

The show ended with "look after you" - my most favorite song on the album. The song on its own is enough to take my breath away but when they mixed in oasis's "wonderwall" I was smitten and head-over-heels.

I miss the day of "real" tickets i.e. the 2"x 6" slat of card stock with an embossed marque that you could slip in between the pages of a book and come across years later with all the letters and numbers still alive and that would give you the same butterflies you got the night of the concert. Today you have 2 options. One, it's either printed on thermal paper and inevitably fades, or two, the ticket is sent to you electronically for you to print. So unromantic. The lovely picture above is a photograph of my ticket lest the imprint fades or melts or cracks. And no it's not saving my spot in a book. That's what this blog is for. ;-)

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

June 19 - Tuesday

mr. roshbosh assembled the bookshelf last night. It's the one on the right. And yes. That is a box of Wheaties on the top and a 6-pack of Coke right below it - both commemorating UT's Rose Bowl Championship win. In case you missed it, an oil painting (a wedding gift for mr. roshbosh) of the UT Tower in the center. (Mo! We found it a home!)

Monday, June 18, 2007

June 15th-17th

First, the answer to last week's riddle.
You should decide on pictures before buying picture frames. I only managed to buy the butt-pillow and white pants.

This past weekend was a little bit of everything... Sunday was nice and lazy.

June 15th - Friday Mr. roshbosh's best bud Rohani came by for dinner Friday night. I defrosted some paneer sauce I had made awhile back, boiled some paneer, and viola! Dinner! Pani Puri for appetizers (that's the picture above), raita, naan, and rice. Simple but they ate well. I think.
June 16th - Saturday - most of Saturday - was spent waiting for the cable guy. Did laundry. Puttered around. Funny story though. mr. roshbosh continues to give money away. We went to chick fli-et and he paid for a coke, waffle fries, and a chicken sandwich with a ten and drives off without getting the change. it's funny because he's been doing that a lot lately - giving away money. He tipped a valet guy in Austin with a $10 when he meant to give him a $1.

Saturday night we went to the Meghani's second reception. Oh Amee looked so pretty! The pictures above don't do her outfit justice but it was the prettiest shade of green and completely embroidered. I just love the pics above. It just makes sense. The two of them. Right there. Together.

Friday, June 15, 2007

it's here!

The coffee table finally arrived! and she is so so pretty! Heavy. Very heavy. But perfect for the space. I just need to make an arrangement of white flowers for the table and add some personality on the walls. all-said it's beginning to feel more like a home and less like a hotel. I've got a week-long conference next week so I'm hoping to get some decorating done this weekend. the wall frames will have to wait but I would like to get the flower arrangement and a few frames for the c-table. oh goodness but then there's deciding what to put in the frames! what came first? the chicken or the egg? do I buy the frames and then decide on the pictures or pick the pictures and then buy the frames?

The desk/console/vanity we ordered from came in as well - 36 hours after we placed the order! it's a little taller than i expected and the seat that goes with it isn't positioned any higher relative to the table so I'll have to get some seat cushions. but it was so nice to be able to put on my make up seated in front of natural light with all my goodies spread out in front of me! and mr. roshbosh won't have to deal with tornadoes of beauty products whipping through the bathroom anymore...

so my to-shop-for list for the weekend...
*white flowers
*glass vase
*picture frames
*butt cushion for the new chair
*white pants
*pretty mirror for desk top

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

missed opportunities.

I bought these rain boots almost 3 weeks ago and have been waiting for it to rain ever since! Like a chubby, pink-cheeked kid wishing for a snow day, I've been checking the weather everyday hoping for a deluge.

I didn't check the weather last night. And well, it rained today and I am without boots.


Thursday, June 7, 2007

Is something missing?

Why yes! Glad you asked! The coffee table I have been waiting 2 weeks for didn't arrive today. The sales associate who helped us accidentally ordered the wrong top to the table. The table comes in 2 shapes - rectangle and square - and what came was the rectangle base and the square top.

We'll try this again next Thursday.

'Tis the season!

Out of the past 10 weekends , mr. roshbosh and I have had 6 wedding-somethings and 1 college graduation (yay Broder!) . We've had the past 2 weekends off but we start up again this weekend! We're headed to Tulia, Texas (pop: 4,714) for my Dad's cousin's wedding. Tulia is an hour drive outside of Amarillo - my birthplace - and mr. roshbosh has never been so I'm really excited for him to see West Texas! I think he's a little nervous about it but seriously - if George Straight thought enough of Amarillo to write a song about, how bad can it be? Pics and post will follow next week...

Two of the four May weddings we attended were for two of my most favorite people - Lauren and Amee. Lauren's was Friday - May 4th in Austin , TX. The picture on the left is of the reception - the wedding and brunch reception were both at Laguna Gloria. It was so incredibly picturesque - an outdoor morning ceremony, perfectly overcast, overlooking the water. They had a dinner reception that night at Capital Grill. I don't have very many pictures from any of the events but I guess that's expected when you're a bridesmaid!

The second wedding was one weekend later - May 10-12th. Amee had a mendhi Thursday night, a dinner Friday night, and the wedding ceremony and reception Saturday. Again, I don't have any pictures (will post some once I've bummed some off someone) but one of the highlights of the festivities was a skit that we ( me, mr. roshbosh, Annie, Daven, Sumant, and Shilpa) put on about Amee and Ankur's first date. The set-up was "blind date" with a little "24" mixed in and was based loosely on their actual first date. We had so much fun putting it together and performing. Because I don't do well in front of crowds I was a "bubble girl" - I held up Amee's (a.k.a Shilpa) thought bubbles and Annie held up Ankur's (a.k.a Daven) bubbles.

A BIG congrats to Sumant and his honey who got engaged last weekend in NYC! Baldy's getting married!


Thursday, May 31, 2007

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Yay it's Friday!

I took this picture last Friday - May 25. The first Friday for us in a long! time when we were actually in town. It was pouring outside and when it rains the water runs down the windows like a sheet. It's like being under a waterfall. If you look closely you can see the water running down the window on the left. (That's mr. roshbosh and cusak - mr. roshbosh's brother.) There's just something about this picture that makes me pause...
Before I took this picture, mr. roshbosh and I survived our first false-alarm fire alarm. Although we didn't realize that it was false alarm until we walk down 21 flights of stairs. So much fun. My calves were thanking me the next day.
We had a "cousins" night later on that day- there were 5 cousins, 2 sig-others, and the three of us and we all walked down the street to Iron Cactus for dinner. 5 gals and 5 hairy-legs and we sat on different ends of the table. The girls conversation walked through cosmetics, clothes, jobs, and Johhny Depp. I don't know what was discussed on the other end except for this riddle - see if you can figure it out. Only the doctor at the table answered correctly! I'll post an answer later this week...
A young boy and his father are driving along one night and are in a terrible accident.
They are taken to the hospital where the father is told that his son will need surgery.
The surgeon arrives, takes one look at the boy, and says "I can't operate on this boy. He's my son."
How can that be?

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Scary Movie Nite!

This picture was taken on April 27 . mr. roshbosh, the Cusak, Mo and I had our first Scary Movie night in the new place. (Scary Movie night has become a bit of a tradition for the four of us - we met a lot more frequently when Mo was in Dallas but since she's now in San Antonio (blah!) we can't get together as much.)

The sofa was delivered that day so we thought we would break it in with a movie and enchiladas! It was the first real meal that I cooked in the kitchen. The oven gave off a funny smell while the enchiladas were cooking but no one died. On the menu - enchiladas, spanish rice, refried beans, avocado-tomato salad, and a cold Chardonnay - for dessert - baked graham cracker crust with grilled pineapple and honey whipped cream.

The movie was so bad there just aren't words...

Anyway, Mo really liked the enchiladas and asked for the recipe (that's her plate above) it is Mo! Enjoy!

Bhula Enchiladas (perfected by my mother and my sheester and moi)
*2 cans will feed 4-6 people

1-2 cans enchilada sauce
1-2 cans vegetarian refried beans
1 packet taco seasoning
3/4 cup milk
1 medium block medium sharp cheddar cheese (sometimes I add Monterrey jack cheese as well)
1/2 cup white onions (if preferred inside the enchiladas)
1/2 cup green onions (for garnish)
1/4 cup cilantro (for garnish)
12-24 extra thin corn tortillas

it's all in the filling...
warm 1 -2 cans of refried beans on stove on medium heat
as the beans warm, add 1 pack taco seasoning (I like Taco Bell's) to 3/4 cup milk and mix
add the milk mixture to the beans
continue to stir
removed from stove as bubble start to form
set aside to cool
extra thin corn tortillas...
you can heat them one of two ways:
individually on the stove if you plan on heating them in the microwave
wetting 2 paper towels, wrapping the stack of tortillas in them, and heating in the microwave for 60 seconds.
assembling the enchiladas...
take an oven-safe casserole dish
add enchilada sauce - just enough to coat the bottom
take a plate - add sauce - just enough to dip and coat a corn tortilla (this will be your assembly plate)
coat a tortilla in the sauce on both sides
at a tablespoon of beans (more or less for taste)
at a tablespoon of cheese (more or less for taste)
add white onions (if preferred)
roll tightly! and add to casserole dish
continue until dish is full

once you have filled the casserole dish, add remaining enchilada sauce (make sure each enchilada is coated), sprinkle cheese on top and add green onion garnish

bake for 400 degrees until cheese starts to bubble - about 30 minutes

remove from oven - add cilantro before serving

Monday, May 28, 2007

tabula rasa

So we finally found a coffee table! You know it's funny. Such a case of not realizing what's right in front of you. I had looked through dozens of websites looking for the right coffee table - couldn't be wood, wanted glass, but with a sturdy frame. We finally found what we wanted at Crate & Barrel. And what we wanted I had overlooked a number of times on the website - had discounted it as "too plain". Well "too plain" has turned out to be perfect for the space (well at least I hope it is!) once we saw it in person.

Now we just have to wait until next Thursday for the delivery.

Friday, May 25, 2007

Home Sweet Home!

We've moved into our new home! We closed in April and have been here for about a month now. The boxes have been unpacked. The cabinets have been lined. I've already had to use the plungger once (mr. roshbosh won't go near it!) . ;-) And now all we need is a coffee table. And a chair or two. And some pictures on the walls. And a cute little Yorkie puppy!

The picture is of the view from our living room and master bedroom. Some mornings the fog is so thick you can't see the buildings outside. It's like waking up in a cloud.

The place is about 1100 square feet - 2 bedrooms and 2 baths. It's a great size for us though. Neither one of us is ready for a yard and this urban lifestyle has its perks - I get to walk to work!