Friday, August 31, 2007

August 24 - Friday

So I know I've been m.i.a for awhile. But I'm back!

mr. roshbosh was away on business for 2 weeks and has since returned. Things were a little crazy when he got back. We had family in town and then left for 4 crazy days in Las Vegas! I'll post more on that later.

While mr. roshbosh was away though I did work on my very first "all by myself" recipe. I came up with a recipe for tres leches cake that I think is so nummy! That's the picture above. It needs a just a bit more tweaking but over all I was very pleased with the results.
I also enjoyed some very girly movies while mr. roshbosh was away. Yay for netflicks! Love that you can keeps movies for as long as you want! I've had "March of the Penguins" for a couple of weeks now and I'm shocked that no one seems to want to watch it with me. How can anyone not want to watch cute little penguins? Well, football season has started and I have officially become an NFL widow. I guess I'll be watching it all by myself. :-(

Friday, August 10, 2007

August 10 - Friday

So mr. roshbosh is going to be away for the next two weeks and while I miss him terribly when he's away, I always look forward to being by myself for a bit. I get to watch girly movies, leave my shoes everywhere, play my music really loud, and eat meals that aren't "manly" enough like bread and with some manchego (AmeeShah introduced me to the cheese and it is so so nummy!) and brie and wine. And this time around I may even soak in the tub with a book until my toes get all pruney and wrinkly. I'm not much of a bath person but I've got some bubble bath I want to try. Anyway, the movies on the agenda are...

Snow Cake - with the nummy Alan Rickman
Sense & Sensibility - again with the nummy Alan Rickman

Any other suggestions?

Thursday, August 9, 2007

August 9 - Thursday

This dish is one of my favorites. I only make it once a year though. Well, I may make it twice this year since I didn't get to make it last year. The original recipe is for a risotto dish but I don't like the texture of risotto and it's just too mushy and too starchy to have at one go - it's the same reason I can't have just fried rice for dinner - so I use Orzo pasta instead. Yes I know it's a starch as well but at least my stomach has to expend itself a bit to get it digested. Risotto just zips through and ends up sticking to undesirable places. Anyway, I digress. I was a little worried about what mr. roshbosh and cusack would think of the dish. Neither one really likes fancy food and this dish has an unusual woodsy taste to it from the porcini mushrooms, and you use wine and fresh Parmigiano-Reggiano. The original recipe also doesn't include spinach but I throw it in for some color and nutrients. I think Mo gave me that tip? Anyway, they liked the dish. And it wasn't a pacifying "it was good!" sentiment - they mentioned it a few times and for them both that's a sign that they really enjoyed it. My office mate Tiffanee joined us for dinner as well so it was a nice little evening - while the boys watched the preseason Cowboys game Tiffanee and I gabbed. Oh and we had apple crisp for dessert. Nummy!

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

August 5 - 6, Sunday & Monday

From everything I can or attempt to cook or make or bake - do you know what I have the HARDEST time with? And it's a dear shame because it's one of mr. roshbosh's most favorite things in the world to eat...


I cannot for the life of me and my loved ones cook peas! They always a) still taste frozen and/or b) don't cook all the way. And I always, always follow the directions when I cook peas - I can't say that for many other things. And I have tried everything! It's the funniest and oddest thing.

Tips anyone?

Thursday, August 2, 2007

July 27 - 28 , Friday & Saturday

mr. roshbosh and I made a trip to Target Friday night (well, we actually made 3 trips to find what we needed) to buy games for the game night we were having on Saturday night. We came away with the games in photograph AND a chess set!

Now many attempts have been made to teach me the game - mr. roshbosh himself has tried many, many times - but I've never stuck with it. I think this time may be different. We stayed up playing until about 1 am (I know - we sound like such an old, married couple) and I am proud to say that according to mr. roshbosh, I made some good, strategic moves. It was such a change to have to stop and think in linear terms - I'm so used to just quickly responding to a situation.

Game night was a lot of fun - we had about 12 people over and lots of beer and wine. It was nice to do something different. I forgot how competitive mr. roshbosh can get. It's not enough for him to win - he has to win BIG! I was also reminded how uncomfortable I get with charade type things - no matter what I have to act out I am convinced I look like a washed- dolphin flapping around everywhere - which would be great if that's what my team had to guess. I envy people who can get up and are comfortable enough to just go for it.

hmmm...I should have taken pictures.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

August 1 - Wednesday

I love it - I love it not - I love it - I love it not...

Our one-seater arrived yesterday evening. I don't know how I feel about it. I thought it would be a few shades lighter - it looks more tan than "cream" and in certain light it looks as though we tried to match the sofa and failed miserably. Maybe we'll just keep the lights off and the blinds drawn when we have company over. On the bright side though it is very comfy. I had breakfast in it this morning with my legs swung over the side.

I'm going to refinish the peg-feet in an antique black - not really loving the brown.

Might get a red throw to add some color. I was really kicking myslef for not getting the seat in red but now that I've had a chance to sleep on it, red would have been too much. "Hey! Look at me! I'm a one-seater and I'm RED!"