Thursday, July 26, 2007

July 26 - Thursday

Ladies and Gentlemen. My tiramisu. I know there was a lot of talk and very little action but I made it. I usually can't eat anything I've baked or cooked but this I could not resist. Notes for next time: bake for 5 minutes less and serve cold. I know it turned out well when mr. roshbosh and his brother went for seconds and wanted thirdzies.

Not much going on this weekend. We're having game night at our place on Saturday night. And I'm hoping the weather holds up so we can make it to the pool. I also made Thai food tonight - masuman curry and fresh spring rolls - so nummy but so full of starch and carbs. Cusack and I worked out this morning and I am so proud of myself! Now if I can only get myself downstairs Monday morning. I've promised myself a fountain Coke if I can get to the gym 4 times next week. woohoo!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

good job on the tiramisu. it was absolutely yummy, just as the photo suggests. even better job on working out! oh, and the macaroons you made were perfect. ;-)