Friday, August 10, 2007

August 10 - Friday

So mr. roshbosh is going to be away for the next two weeks and while I miss him terribly when he's away, I always look forward to being by myself for a bit. I get to watch girly movies, leave my shoes everywhere, play my music really loud, and eat meals that aren't "manly" enough like bread and with some manchego (AmeeShah introduced me to the cheese and it is so so nummy!) and brie and wine. And this time around I may even soak in the tub with a book until my toes get all pruney and wrinkly. I'm not much of a bath person but I've got some bubble bath I want to try. Anyway, the movies on the agenda are...

Snow Cake - with the nummy Alan Rickman
Sense & Sensibility - again with the nummy Alan Rickman

Any other suggestions?


Mo said...

The Holiday? with cameron diaz and kate winslet? if that's the first movie on the list..DO NOT WATCH IT. it is the most ridiculous movie ever. the dialogue is trite and the story line is implausible at best. jude law is hot and jack black is kind of funny but overall this is possibly the worst movie i have ever seen after American Psycho.

Anonymous said...

HEY ROSH! enjoy the manchego. yummy esp, when sliced thin. thanks for the shoutout. the dish you made with orzo looks so yummy!! my favorite risotto is risotto agli asparagi which is with parmesan, asparagus and mushrooms and it's delish! i'm going to try it with orzo...what a clever suggestion.

Anonymous said...

since he's going for 2 weeks, we need girly time!